Announcement - Tuesday 25th August 2020

25th August 2020

A Message from the Area Chair

When I last wrote at the end of May, we were all in lockdown with no end in sight. Three months on and we are beginning to lead a slightly freer existence, to socialise a little and to catch up with family and friends.

In my previous message, I wrote of being a member of The Arts Society as like belonging to "a big family". I confess I am missing that family. I miss the people, my Arts Society colleagues and friends. I miss my travels through the wonderful countryside that our area boasts. I miss the chat over a cup of coffee, a sandwich, a glass of wine and I miss the buzz of lecture meetings and the animated discussions of committee meetings.

Things will get better but, in the meantime, I want to reassure everyone in the North East Area that your Societies are doing all they can to help The Arts Society come through this pandemic. Some are keeping in touch with their members through newsletters and telephone calls. Many are embracing new technology, learning about Zoom meetings and webinars. It is a very steep learning curve but it is all helping to keep us together.

Details of Zoom lectures being held in our area will be posted on this website and will be available to all our Society Members so do keep an eye on this website. Equally, this autumn The Arts Society nationally will be featuring live online hour-long lectures, exclusively for Members of The Arts Society. To avoid clashes with local Society events these will take place on Friday lunchtimes:

Friday, 18th September 2020, 1pm

Friday, 23rd October 2020, 1pm

Friday, 27th November 2020, 1pm

Friday, 18th December 2020, 1pm

The films will be broadcast via YouTube, and the link will be shared with Members via email in early September.

I believe we have got to where we are by embracing what we do with passion and in a spirit of friendship. Our future relies on us continuing to do so. We will meet again in person as soon as it is safe to do so. Let us hope that time will not be too far away.

With my best wishes

Lizzie Darbyshire