Announcement - Friday 11th September 2020

September 11th 2020

Dear Colleagues

On 9 September the Government announced new measures aimed at restricting social gatherings. These measures will come into force on Monday 14 September.

The measures are not intended to restrict normal business or educational activities and as such there are exemptions contained within the guidance.

The Arts Society believes we have a duty to keep people safe and this includes members, volunteers, lecturers, our staff, venue staff, and other members of the public. Therefore, wherever possible it is our advice to consider alternatives to physical lectures.

Societies are encouraged to continue to regularly refer to the Government's guidance as well as taking into account local measures which may have been introduced. Your venues will also be able to advise whether they are able to comply with the social distancing rules currently in place.

Certain groups of people are at increased risk of severe disease from Coronavirus (Covid -19), including all people aged 70 and over. These individuals are advised to stay at home as much as possible and, if they do go out, to take particular care to minimise contact with others from outside their household.

Over 220 Societies now use one of our Zoom licenses. If you are interested in obtaining a license please click here

Below is a link to the government guidance which is updated regularly.

Do stay safe and well.

Florian Schweizer

Chief Executive, The Arts Society